

Brutal world undresses the innocent....
I sat in the darkness,
at extreme corner of my room,
wrapped up on a loose sheet,
and tangled in the shadows,
Trying to hide my scars,
tears, emptiness and imperfections..

I could feel the silence ,
silence that is in search of words,
phase, sentences and paragraphs,
paragraphs of explanation,
that explains myself to me..

I touch my body,
body full of bruises,
bruises that depicts my condition,
of what I have been through...

I close my eyes,
and noises strikes my head,
noises that tortures me,
tortures me till I break apart..

I could hear you shouting,
shouting cause I lost everything,
oh!I lost my existence,lost my value,
value that is being theft brutally,
brutally by this world!

I remember the days,
day when I was covered with blood stains,
and day I was undressed,
undressed by that guy ,
and the day you undressed me,
undressed by the world...

I was a blooming bud,
crushed mercilessly by him,
and again and again by you,
yes!you ...

I remember that moment,
the moment when the truth lost,
truth lost the battle of me,
battle of my survival among you..

I was left standing,
all alone,me and myself
Now ,I am just a rumour,
rumour you enjoyed to hear..
my story is now a topic of gossip,
gossip to avoid the boredom....

I remember being torn apart,
by a rogue,my tiny body,
little hands and feet,
and childhood that comes once ,
once in a lifetime,
Is now a burden to me...

I hate my smell,
skin, smile and face,
and a tear that I shed apart.
and the silence ringing inside
my head..

I miss the way you pampered,
the people pampered me,
and appreciated my beauty,
beauty of a blooming bud..

I remember the days,
days when you praised me,
for my lovely warm hands,
gracious and innocent smile,
and that blush on my face..

I couldn't understand,
when you became the enemy,
enemy of my beauty..
Now you don't notice my innocence,
all you do is search for the bruises..

I find your eyes,
as sharpest as a witted knife,
that scrolls me like tweet,
news that satisfies your eyes..

Now I am being raped,
raped by him and you,
just a slight difference,
he did it once,you do it daily...

You undress me through social media,
through your tweets, your eyes,
you undress me daily,
again and again you pull me back,
back from where I wanna run away ..

You snatched my happiness,
brutal isn't it,.

You smile when you see me,
or show me the pity,
pity that makes me realise,
I no longer am like you..

Now I am a burden to my family,
my closest friends and you,
the world..
Just an incident
and I lost everything....

It felt like all the pain and
scars got my address,
I try to run away,
but you are everywhere,
in every person you exist,
This world took everything that it gave,
this 'you' is your mentally..

At the end,


© inspirational hub 13