

I can never forget the
I can never forget the days
which were indelible
and stains of which are still in
old curtains .

I can never forget the memories
we made and captured
in our memory lane by the
hippocampus of my brain .

I can never forget the nights
I stared at the moon,
the stars serving as spotlight
and asked them to remain same.

I can never forget the newlyweds ,
who blushed every time they saw each other
and now they hardly call
each other sane .

I can never forget the place
near my nana's home, above the branches of a mango tree where a nest laid but was absent after a heavy monsoon rain.

I can never forget the face
of the old guy who rubbed his elbows against mine while I was travelling alone
by a local train.

I can never forget the sounds of the happy hours and the laughs after the silly jokes
we made while fooling around
till the sun wane...
© Aarchi Advani Saini.!