

Every morning you are my knight
Every evening you are my sky
Every night you are my light
Someday I am going to tell you
You are my life line
Someday I am going to tell you
You are my sunshine
Someday I am going to tell you
Your smile makes the moon shy
Somedays you are my armour of war
Somedays you are my dream lord
Somedays you are my tears of joy
Somedays you are my smile of fear
Somedays I fear one day we will be separated by grim reaper that's a nightmare but till then
You are the one I love the most
Your the one I hate the most
Someday I will Tell you that I love you
Someday I will tell you that I hate you
But there will be no such days in which I don't think of you as a demon or an angel but either ways your not just part of my life you are my soul-mate

© entertainer