

To my beloved mother!...
To every mother's out there in this universe

I pray to Allah for to grant everyone's mothers a long and healthy life full of happiness 🤲🏻 aameen!...

And this one's dedicated to my one n only
pyari si ammijaan 😍!
And to all the mothers of this universe


My dear beloved mother
what should I write about you
you're the one who have made me mother
So I've no words to describe you

Should I call you life
or the universe
Everything seems dull without you in life
And people have written a lot of verse

Life has been given from you
or should I say you're my worship
who has heaven beneath their feet
why would wishes not be fulfilled
if she prayed for you

who's mentioned from dawn till dusk
it's you dear mother
From outside to getting back home
Where're you mother?
search's everyone's eyes to feel at home

who's the peace of eyes
and the calmness of the heart
it's only you
My dear beloved mother
and for me it's an honour
To be born as your son/daughter

— Thank you for reading everyone 💐© joy

#joy #Tomybelovedmother
#mother #MothersDayPoem #writcopoem