

In the silence of the night,
Where darkness consumes with all its might,
A broken heart beats with all its might,
For it knows the pain and the fight.
But little does the world know,
That the broken have a special glow.
For they have been in the depths of despair,
And learnt to love beyond repair.
The broken may seem fragile,
But their love is not so feeble,
For they have felt the sting of betrayal,
And yet their hearts remain so noble.
They know the taste of bitter tears,
But still, their love perseveres.
For in the darkness, they have found,
A love so pure, so profound.
Once you've been in the dark,
You appreciate every spark,
That shines amidst the blackest night,
For it brings hope and a glimmer of light.
The broken have seen it all,
And yet they still stand tall,
For they know how to embrace,
The beauty in every place.
Their love is like a raging fire,
Burning bright with passion and desire,
For they know the value of true love,
And how it's a gift from above.
In a world that's often cold,
Their love is like a warm, safe hold,
For they've been through the coldest nights,
And learnt to love with all their might.
So do not underestimate,
The power of a heart that's been broken and great,
For they know how to love harder than most,
And appreciate every joy, every post.
For once you've been in the dark,
You learn to appreciate everything that shines,
And the broken will always have a special spark,
For their love knows no boundaries, no lines.
© cynfully