

i attach myself to people too fast with the strength of ironclad
a sea of pessimism never fails to follow and ruin a chance of healthy outcome
and i wish i was stable enough to find the words to say i’m not okay
and gather the courage to put forth my concern
but in odd reasoning and self righteousness i deflect blame in my centre
yet somehow it comes full circle in the end when everyone involved has a knife in their spine
and i can never quite detach once i hang on
instead of letting go i boil hatred towards not only them but self
suddenly everything is war
cracked at the stone hearted brute i’ve become
my fault
my fault
it’s wrong of myself to heed vengeance
but the source is i wanted to fix it
i wanted it to be right
i wanted it to be different this time
and with every hope for so the fist tightens because i don’t want it to go
it can be better
it can get better
and i view my shell in an astral projection
let them go.
you’re the problem.

© poeticsofnikki