

Songs of the Rainbow: A Musical Journey Through the Woods
#WritcoPoemPrompt114 by @jasmineshri...

Just after a gentle shower you see a rainbow,
While going through the woods in cavorting auras,
The birds are all so friendly wherever you go,
In every tree they sing you a chorus,

In the wake of a soft shower's gentle grace,
A rainbow appears, a vibrant embrace,
In the woods, the air is fresh and light,
The trees, they sway with a gentle might.

The birds, they sing with joyful voice,
Their melodies, a chorus of choice,
In every tree, they harmonize and play,
Their songs, a symphony of the day.

Their feathers, they glisten in the sun,
Their plumes, a kaleidoscope of fun,
They flit and flutter, they dance and spin,
Their beauty, a true work of art within.

The woods, they whisper secrets to the breeze,
The wind, it carries their whispers with ease,
The trees, they sway and rustle with glee,
Their leaves, a soft rustling symphony.