

“Headbang Until Your Brain Melts”
Glass breaking,
that's your favorite mug.
The one that holds the most coffee,
the elixir of life.
All the while rock trashes through your headphones.
with open fists like your releasing a demon of frustration,
because that's all you can do to keep the peace.
It's like being a flower amongst boots that stopped around,
a child in a mosh pit.
You know the metalheads will be watchful,
but the aggressive antics are not for polite company.
Still, with your long hair laid down
and your grimace aimed at the air,
you can't help but to hit those drums with all your might,
and strum that guitar in a rhythm only you know.
Because fuck everyone and everything else.
Anarchy speaks to your soul like a lullaby to a tired child.
And all you know is that it soothes your soul.


© J.M.M.Powell