

Newfound Peace
In a world where noise once scorched the air,
Ms. Burning House found solace rare.
Amidst the silence as deep as the ocean's floor,
we both met, both longing for something more.

I was raised in shadows, devoid of sound,
my childhood whispered away, lost and unfound.
The echoes of neglect filled empty halls,
where loneliness reverberated off the walls.

We discovered each other in that profound silence,
two souls scarred by the absence that surrounded us.
In the quietude, our hearts began to speak,
finding peace in the silence that made me weak.

Ms. Burning House, once aflame with pain,
now found comfort in my silent domain. I, who only knew solitude's bitter embrace,
felt her warmth, a gentle saving grace.

Together, we healed amidst whispers and sighs,
as ove blossomed under our silent skies.
In our union, a symphony grew,
turning neglected pasts into a future anew.

Hand in hand, we faced the world's demands,
building a home upon silent land.
Where once chaos reigned, tranquility now prevailed,
our love story forged in quiet refrains.

by: Mr. Silent House

© sionx