

Friendship And Friends

Gradually gradually they will become part of you.....

They will consume you....

They will do things to look as if they are all for you .....

They never say no to ur suggestions ...... And that makes you feel Superior .

The questions is does that mean you are always ryt ???

No ....... You are not but they refuse to advise because they only think about them selves.
Friends will always make decisions to their own advantage.

They don't see you as how you see them .

It's as clear as crystal that they are close to you for a reason , what happens if that reason fades out ....... They will automatically swim out too.

Do u have to make friends because you are poor and they are rich ??

Do u have to build the relationship because they have opportunities you don't have ??

But you can build that relationship and still not get what you want .

What you need is not with them ....

They are not the custodian of ur joy...

They don't have they keys to open your opportunities.....

You have the code to steer your own affiars...

Your Success is not with them ..... It's in you.....

You mingling with them is rather blocking your helpers.

Make friendship....... Oh yes friendship.

Friendship is not friends and friends can't be friendship either.

Friendship carries much quality than quantity.

Someone who seats you down to correct you ...

Someone who is ready to sacrifice Everything for you .....

Someone who loves you just as them selves....

Someone who stands by your side in every situation....

Someone who will not mortify you .....

Someone who will make sure you fabricate decision together to your own advantages (The benefits of you two)

Friendship does not discourage ...

Friendship does not betray......

Friendship trusts and you also trust them .

Don't let anyone use their dime to control you .

Get someone you trust and the person trusts you too ..... And that's a friendship.