

Stabbed and Bruised
Hey! Me, I'm back again
Drunk in pain
Famed with shame
or so to say.
I'm always hurt...a lot I've caused
but today does not feel like the everyday
...Broken, scattered and disorganized,
Tears refuse to drop
Hatred for me and what I can't feel.

This is not me, it can never be
...Scared, broken and frustrated.
I'm tired of fighting alone and
At the same time scared of leaving me alone.

Dad will it be okay?
Mom can I turn the table without you crying?
I'm tired of not being able to express
emotions, feelings and thoughts
...God! it's killing me...tired.

Sad how Me is consuming Me🤦‍♀️
Mom, I really want to shout "all is just a facade don't be deceived!"
But how can I say this when I can't show my love to you.
Hope my hope will not hop away?
© Dynamic