

Sun Set
There was once a woman, who lived her life in struggle
She struggled with everything
Growing up, youth, spouse, children, money, peace
Everything was hard on her and hard for her
Yet, strong, she inspires
She holds others above herself
Her pain hidden, she held her hands above others wounds
Covering up as much as she could
Even if she couldn’t heal them
She tried to ease thier pain as much as she could
Sarcrifising her pain

Rejected and dejected
She chose to be strong for the fruit in her womb
Despite not knowing if it will be sweet or sour
With the brightest smile ever, she proceed with care
With Pains and struggles, she push the boulder up the hill
Back folded, knees carved, hands trembled, feet hurts
Once again she let herself go, but firmly
She didn’t want to go wrong once again
But it was already wrong, from the first moment
The spark that never should have

Two more seeds she planted
Two flowers bloomed, one wilted away, devastatingly
Loss and grief, threatened to drown the giant in her
By sheer faith and wilfulness
She broke through the tremour
Broken, scarred, lonely and alone
The remaining flower and the first fruit she carry
Fertile soil, healthy water and great care
She planted both on a solid ground
Two drops of water, one sprinkle of soil
She watched them grow

Armours, shield and sword
She coated herself with weapons strong enough to defeat all
Pain hidden behind her smile
She held her plants at the blossom of her chest
Sarcrifising everything for them
Oblivious yet aware
They grow in the delight of the grace available
Though they know not how
Though they gave to her,
As many embrace as they could
In return for the warmth the grew in
It was never enough, and they knew it not
Cause she shew it not

She fought hard, to keep them away
From the sight of her limping feet
And the trembles of her hand
They saw nothing but the sad lonely smile on her face
But they could never really understand why
They do not know
What those emotions was or where it came from
She never say and they never asked
Because they were scared to give her more pain

If only they peeped down,
They could have seen the cause of her pain
And perharps they could have called for help
But they couldn’t,
She made sure they can never see, beyond her blossom breast
Or pass her armoured shoulders
Neither they, nor other could see
Her pain, her grief, or her struggles
I wonder what she thought
As she walked down those thorny paths
Alone and sick griefed
Did she think, there would be no one to help
Or perhaps
She was scared of another loss
Another grief, added to her list

Out of the thorns, she bled
A rocky path she passed
Hot as they sun beat down on her
The green pasture right in front of her
Crumbling, she pushed them forward
Sinking the root of her plants in the beautiful green ahead
Neither her body, nor the hair of her head
Reached the green
As she took her last breath
Leaving her plants confused and alone
Knowing nowhere else to go
Knowing no one else to be
Confused, dejected and alone
They try to be strong, as they know their mother to be
Regrets, pains and grief
Threatened to shatter their resolve

Then came the rain
The soothing, relief rain
Brought about by the wounds she has healed
The heart she has touched
The people who saw and was amazed
The ones who were inspired
They rained on the plants, calming them from the harsh sun
Then it becomes too much
Why didn’t they ever help?
They saw, they knew but they ignored her
Letting her bear her cross
So why now, what do they want
Why do they care, why should they?
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