

My inspiration
Pen a poem about the ONE who gave way to fulfill your desire to write.

It was like a candle started to burn
I read Christmas Pig
The Ickabog
Tales of beedle the bard

and excitement filled my brain

I started writing my own fantasy stories
Some were short,
others were long,
and some I had no idea what I was thinking
I made my own universe through writing

J. K. Rowling had created a spark in me
A spark that I hope will last forever

I read the Harry Potter series at the beginning of 2022
My imagination spiraled
I have a cousin that loves Harry Potter
He wanted me to write a fanfiction of him

Since we both loved that universe,
I have started writing what it would be like if we were in that story to

Many may find it typical
possibly boring,
The fact that a big writer influenced me
but I have learned that because of her,
I have found a different way to express and find,

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