

The Journey of Our Love
The Journey Of Our Love...!!!!!

The Day when i saw you for the first time ,
My heart wondered and asked who is he peeping at you?

I was not dare to look at you back
I wondered ?Is he the one who i always dreamed for ?

Something whispered in my mind and said,
Oh yes yes ! He is the only one whom i always searched for.

Then i lift up my eyes and looked at you back you smiled,i smiled.

From there started our journey which led to dreamland,
there i saw no one but we;

Soon rang the bell and was shock to see.
Hey!what am i dreaming;

Again ! u laughed and moved,
i came back and found there were no

My eyes searched for you,
Then at the corner i saw you.

Parting ways to reach home.

I were no me thinking of you.
When to talk with you.

Soon came a white light
whose rays shuttered all the darkness in my life.

Then came a day when u talked, i talked.
and started dreaming together.

Aiming to reach one goal.

Mine and yours became ours.

Began the new journey of Love!!<3

Just dreaming dreaming dreaming....
for those moments come true.!

Never cared the world around,
never known of the fate.

Loved loved loved and loved..

One day came a typhoon of responsiblities between us,:'(
then we parted ways!

But still left are the sparks of love in our hearts Everliving,Everlasting!

If God wills hoping to get united one day!
willing to move ahead but nothing can,
only steps but not the hearts.

No knows of the destiny to reach...!
Those memories left us departed from the bodies ..,Not the soul...!

Come on lets leave everything and lead a right path where our life takes....!
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