

To love is to dare
What went wrong ? How on earth did we get here ?
These questions torment me with a ferocity that tears me apart.
I just can't understand how we went from inseparable to tolerable.
How conversations that made us smile now end as screaming matches.
Lips that once moved in sync now hail dagger at each other.
It breaks me to stand next to you but know that we are miles apart.
That we may share a room but live worlds apart, alone and cold.
I miss us, how we didn't words to communicate and how we stripped our hearts and souls bare before each other.
And with each passing day I wonder what went wrong.
What broke ?
Or were wrong for each other to begin with ?
We dared to drink from the cup of desire and now we must live with the price of passion.

© @NatalieChilikwela