

True Victory

The weight of responsibility can feel crushing,
the endless grind leaving you feeling depleted and desperate for escape.

It's easy to succumb to the temptation of resignation,
to believe that abandoning the battlefield is the only way to find peace.

However, before you throw in the towel, take a step back and look for the telltale signs of victory.

Instead of focusing on the fatigue, analyze the progress you have already made,
the challenges you have overcome,
and the skills you have honed.

Acknowledge the small victories,
the triumphs that may seem insignificant in the face of the larger struggle.

Recognize the resilience you have cultivated,
the ability to adapt and persevere through adversity.

Look for the subtle shifts in your environment,
the signs that your efforts are finally gaining traction.

The tide can turn, the pressure can lighten,
and exhaustion can give way to a newfound sense of purpose.
Remember, quitting may seem like the easy way out,
but true victory lies in pushing through until the dawn breaks and the sun rises on a new horizon.

© Lai Montes