

Do you hear it?
The bell ringing, it's devotion time,
We line up in frustration, chatter and laughter, making fun of who's speaking or singing,
Complaining about how long they're taking,
Do you see it?
The grounds we once walked, the chair in which you use to sit, the canteen we dread but to it in times of desperate hunger our minds led,
The pencil one the ground to steal, the pen in someone's book, the classes we loved and hated,
Again do you hear it?
The lunch bell ringing, the announcement on the intercom, our frenimies writing on the board telling us to be quiet while they try to teach
We used to make fun of the ones who "teach"
And lastly do you feel it?
Will you miss it?
Are you ready to let go?
Are you ready to be on your own?
To learn steps to a new dance with new partners and forget the steps of the routine you perfected for 5 years?

Do you feel the sense of it ending?
On the last day we'll all be wailing
Will you miss it?
One day we'll look back and think "wow that was really us"
One day we'll forget about us
Are you ready to let go?
Its the end of what kept and birthed the relationships
Though the good ones never bend, they'll last until the end,
Are you ready to be on your own?
After this era they ask us this as if anyone is ever ready to face a brand new world alone

It's the end of high-school
No more see you tomorrow's
Just hoping that in the further we have a "see you soon"

Graduation day, the last day we'll be so high school.
© Dantewrites