

Karmic karma
Within cells
Fearing the obvious
Change it is inevitable
Family matters
Are you passing it on
No doppelganger
It’s your baby
No escaping that
The Sins of the Father
Just what have you done
Your personal death star
The crime of the century
And a zero-sum game
Motivational neuroticism
Mental stability undermind
The Mycelium Is Listening
Everything is connected
Who’s pushing your buttons
What’s the devil’s agenda
Is there a doctrine
One we all have to follow
Did I not get that memo
Was that the plan all along
Where did all go so wrong
Was it about my look
Or the way that I walked my walk
Were you not loved enough
And not getting your share
So who’s to blame
Deflecting the shame
Angers hot potato
Held in your pants
Are you less of a man
Under the thumb
Of the dragon lady
A Cold War reconnaissance
Ostracised by society
As not from good stock
A doggy lineage
Blood of the stone
The bottom of the barrel
Did I just find the trigger point
Secure insecurities
Driving the boat
And the lighthouse
Well out of view

© the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
“your Ringmaster”

Original words and thoughts penned of heart & mind of:
©Warren Mace, A.k.a the Dyslexic Poet™🎩
Image courtesy of: @Pinterest

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