

autistic black boy

Autistic black boy
Got tased by
A cop, by a slave patrol
Yes I said it
And what….
He was black,
Regardless of disability
He was black….
Dear black parents,
If you have kids
With special needs
Y’all better have a sit
Down talk, even if they ain’t
Aware y’all gotta create ways
To teach them about
White supremacy….how they still
Care about the melanin in your skin…
Cos we’re still livin in a white man’s
World…and I’m sayin this out of love
Out of my heart…cos black people with
Disabilities has to go through with the bull
Shit, too…please talk to your babies
Show them…do anythin to keep
Them safe…from those dangerous hands….
Don’t act like racism is gone
Don’t act like racism can’t affect your children
It does….can’t be sayin this won’t happen
To my child…
That could be my nephew
He’s on the spectrum…
I don’t want him to be around
Those situations like that…
He can’t be around….
He’s the same age as this boy
And I heard about it on YouTube
And I have to google
Sure enough
This young man got tased…
By a cop
By a slave patrol…
He was traumatized…,
You can’t say
When black people with disabilities
Don’t deal with the racism
Yes we do…
We’re told to live in a rainbow world
Where skin color doesn’t matter
When in reality
It does…..
You can get mad
If you want to
You can frown
Be disappointed
If you want
I’m not here to coddle
Anyone’s feelings….
That boy was tased
He would of passed away
It wasn’t an accident….

🤬✊🏿💯©️ Kai C. 1-31-24

© Kai C..