

I Miss My Beautiful Girls.
Life will never be the same without you. You came into this world like a rolling thunderstorm, so eager and ready to take on this world. Your beauty and love stood out so prominent. A beautiful woman you will grow to be, I'm sure.

Now, choas of life has taken you by the hand and stole you from the safety of my side. When I look into your eyes I see a desolate soul that cries for help. Your anger and hurt you wear on the outside as a shell to protect from your private cell.

Buried deep inside is that beautiful girl who at birth shined so bright. She hides herself from the world that has hurt her so. She medicates thinking that it takes away the pain. Only to come down and it begins again.

I wish you would hear my pleas and see my tears. Listen to the hurt and fear I carry for you. This world will not be the same without you in it. I wish you would fight to get sober.

© Rhonda Broker