

The dance
Dancing beneath the glowing full moon.
Her steps traced out circles in the grass.
Perfect prints made by a perfect being.
Her eyes reflected the moon, sparkling like stars.
Her laughter cuts across the silent night.
Her joy echoed through the woods, waking the owls from their slumber.
There goes a woman free from the worries of the world.
Free as a bird, she danced on and on, until dawn broke the night.
The world has been lit by the smile on her face long before the sun thought of rising.
The trees bent to catch a glimpse of her radiance, yearning to bask in her glow.
But the night is over and the dancing lady must lay to rest,
Wait until dusk and you could watch her all over again.
And so the night ends, but the memory of her dance lingers on,
Etched in the hearts of those who witnessed her beauty.
© DawnAtNight