



Some truth some lies
Some portray real image
Some a mirage
Some evolved through heartful emotion
Some echoed by mindful imagination

Voices ,
For some, manifested by self commitment
For some, by divine sentiment
For some, hearing it is a destiny
For some , it's mind hegemony

Voices , You know the origin ?
It's your companion & surrounding
Do the interrogation
Before craving for their manifestation
Is it arises from needful reason ?
Or just monkey mind creation ?

Voices ,
Have a goal & intent, latent
Creates new path ,to follow in second
Change the course of your life
For that being heard you strive
It's good to manifest it for reason decent
Rather for your ego contentment

Numerous voice arises
In a moment it dies & it's existence ceases
Choose the voice you needed to realise
Set that dream in your eyes
Crave & strive even if "thorn road" arises

Voices ,
It's never, heard or Unheard
It's voice manifested or lesson learned