

She was a swirling storm,
Breaking the orthodoxic norm.
The fire in her eyes,
Reached beyond the skies.
Her one way journey with no ending,
In which all her dreams were pending.
Her strong fist in her lean hand,
Her powerful foot in the yellow sand.
Her skinny body outfitted with soft heart,
That would heal her broken part.
The innocence on her face,
That someone would trace.
Her lashes soaked in drop of tears,
Expressing her pain and fears .
From which she could never run away,
Only hope of hers was to slay.
Amidst all the suffering she was in
She thought of risin' and shinin'
Gazing at the midnight stars,
Unaware about the future scars
Seeking for people's approval
In a world which was cruel
Trying to escape from reality
Unaware of people's duality
Nurturing her hurt
Trying to eradicate the dirt
Put on to her by her own
That she would have atleast known
Trying to believe them
Disparately she was a gem
Who Wanted her people content
People who made her error distend
Hope she gets to know
Those people unsoughted her to grow
She doesn't needs to be a princess,
Because she is priceless.

© #prisharma