

I just wanna write
I should write a book, I have a weird but interesting life story.

Yes, you really should, people would love reading it.

- Except that nodoby cares and nobody will read it.

But, you should give it a try if that's what you really want.

- I'm not sure if this is what I really want, I have

only being wanting to write it for 19 years.

- Just write the book already!

- But more weird stuff keeps happening in my life! It never ends!

- Write part one and later on do a second book!

- What if it's just a waste of time? what if nobody cares? I don't even want anybody to actually care, I just want to write my story...
people to see things from my perspective.

- But nobody cares!

-I don't care that nobody cares! I just want to write my story!

And this is usually how it goes on and on inside my head and I stay stuck on the what if...

So I had a very traumatic life, filled with

traumatic events, and I read so much about

healing our traumas and letting go, and I've

tried, there were times where I felt healed, I felt

like it didn't bother me anymore, until out of no

where the thoughts come back to hunt me again,

just thinking about it brings all the feelings

back. I really wish there

was a way to simply erase all the traumatizing

memories from my mind, but still there isn't and

I have to deal with them from time to time.

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