

Friend/Stranger full of lies
I don't get it, how can 1 person cause so much pain. How can 1 tear form into a million. How can someone take away the laughter that once was of joy. How can a person take away a smile that once was true and happy. How can one person change the other Ina second. Once... your vioce sounded like a beautiful melody, once... your smile was innocent and full of delight. Once.... the way you texted seemed like you cared.. each word having a true meaning behind it. I thought it was real... I thought you meant it all.. the way you said you cared, the way you said I could trust you, that you wouldnt judge, that you'd be there, that you were my friend, that you when I was around it was fun. But now... every single DAMN word that comes out of that sad, rough, broken mouth of yours. Seems like a lie after a lie. So if I can't trust you, if I can talk to you, if you can't even show effort, or prove you care, why still be here?, is it bc... you know I care?, you know I'll never leave?, you know the words you said that I truly meant, unlike you did?. Maybe your right.. and maybe your not, but sadly... I don't want you to stay in my life to find that answer out. So if you care, if you truly actually care, why not prove it...? Why not actually text me first at times, check up on me?, prove I can trust you, prove u can be someone I can talk to?. But I guess we both know that answer... I'm js not worth it, right? I'm not worth being a true friend towards, I'm not worth the effort and communication and commitment for a true, real friend. If that is so, don't bother look at me in the halls, don't bother texting me when you need help or advice, bc I can't speak to someone that only uses me.

© Tasha