

She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she shed...
Cause she was a unmarried women on her awakened ride.

Her age was a disgrace to a alot,
Cause she had her life's twisted plot,
In this patriarchal society she was a empowered tide,
Cause she was an unmarried women on her awakened ride.

She stood alone for her right,
Working to survive day and night,
People tried to destroy her pride,
Cause she was an unmarried women on her awakened ride.

Her spirit power was fiery,
A lot of responsibilities to carry,
She was seen like a chance for eyes of vary
She stood there alone with her might
She knew she is the goddess alone in fight,
Who will set a grand vision to tons who are in the sight,
She decided to be with the ones like her.... and thereby conditioning the girls on side,
Now she was all ready show the way and take other women on journey being a guide...
Cause she was an unmarried women on her awakened ride

Even today,
She toils through the day,
Without a word or a nay,
She earns her daily bread,
Not a tear does she she.......
Cause she is an unmarried women on her awakened ride..
© hola.its_anagha.777

#inspiration #selfhelp #Motivation #selfbelieve #strong #empowerment