

I Am Human Being
I'm human being like other
Why my citizenship, education, Country
and including human dignity were taken away
Am I not human being?

I'm human being like other
I have no opportunities, education and school.
Why does it happened to me
Why I can't get these all
Am I not human being of your imagination?

I'm human being like other
I want to shine my life like other
I want to lead my life in happiness like other
I want to be something like other
Why I can't fulfill anything being human?
Am I not human being
But these all dreams were taken away!

I'm human being like other
Being aliveness like death
Why I can't do anything in the world,
Am I not human being
Am I possible to human?

I'm human being like other
Being human why am I dumb
Being human why my voice can't be listened
Being human Why I became voiceless
Being human why I couldn't like you
Being human why my voice can't be accepted
Am I possible to say equal right?