

Music is life
Once a person asked me how is music a sound of life?

I smiled and replied,

“Music is the sound of clouds when it rains,
Music is the sound of heart when it pains.
Music is the sound of a river when it flows,
Music is sound of a baby when he grows.

Music is the sound of a bird when it chirps,
An irritating music comes when a person burps.
Music is when the wind blows,
Music is also the sound made by the crows.

Music is when you laugh out loud,
Music is also when you hear thundering of the cloud.
Music can also be found in a person who snores,
Music can also be there when a lion roars.

Music is there in each and every creation of God,
Perhaps this is the reason they say- Music is nothing but the God.
Music can change according to a certain situation,
But Nature’s music never changes in any condition.

That is why respect the natural music that you hear,
I hope now you have found all your answers, right My dear?
© TheUncoveredThoughts