

The phantom which no longer haunts
There used to be a haunted street,
where they said a demon lived.
It's uncertain whether that was true,
or we were all just decieved.

Times have changed since then,
the street is now a black market.
There are riots, day or night,
the place is all drug and casket.

With at least a murder everyday,
but they won't close the shops for sure.
And every week a wandering soul
falls for the nasty lure .

There are still phantoms, don't doubt,
but it's not the one they feared before.
There's a ghost which haunts people's hearts,
and corrupts them to the core.

In a little house nobody visits,
from a spooky crack in the wall...
It watches, as a faint presence
cause it's scared, of them all.

It was ferocious, feared above everyone,
but now it watches and grins and taunts.
And this is how the story goes
of the phantom which no longer haunts.

© simply