

Wounds You Cannot Heal
We all get physical pains, gashes and breaks,
We all get bruises and breath lost in the lake,
It’s nothing that won’t heal with a bit of hopes sake,
It hurts and no one counts your pain as fake.

Not all wounds are so easy to heal,
Not all wounds you can physically feel,
Not all wounds are able to be wrapped in seal,
Not all wounds sound as real.

Like trauma from your childhood,
Like a bad day and a bad mood,
Like a bad relationship with food,
Like depression and a mean brute.

Anything internal should not be put aside,
Sometimes it hurts as bad as a slice in your thigh,
And you don’t know what to do so you’re lost and high,
Waiting for someone to take your hand and assure that you won’t die.

But they won’t because they can’t see you’re hurt,
They can’t because they don’t see the demons that lurk,
They only realize when you put yourself 6 feet in the dirt,
If you want to heal you need to let someone tie the shirt.

They can stop the bleeding in your mind,
I promise there is someone who won’t leave you behind,
Getting help hurts, it burns like fire,
But peace is something that you could find.

Outside wounds are a pain to feel,
Inside and outside the pain is real,
A cast around your dominant heel,
Sometimes there are wounds you cannot heal.

© Waiteing