


The power inside me waxes old.
As I knew nothing more than being anxious of how failure will be.

The thought of being a failure and cast away runs through my veins.
My struggle has always been in a competitive way.

Thereby achieving more than that which my team achieves.
The cry of my heart waxes old as I turned a deaf ear to what my heart is saying.

The trouble of being different became a mystery
Lasting through the night.
Just a pain away from my thought.

But then, I HEARD
You're free to achieve whatever your heart says.
And my bones became agile once again.

Giving me the courage to face whatever life throws at me.
No more loneliness of heart
No more grudges with my heart.
No more being a slave to myself.

Because I know that someday
My freedom will eventually come and will forever be FREE.