

Career Fair
There searching
There lurking
Sharks in the water
And they all smell blood
They want what’s yours
That want what I want
A stable job
A stable career
Scared of the unknown so they react with fear
Repulsed by what is not there’s
Self Sabotage is a game we are all brain fucking
A mass organizational mind orgy
We are all competing for that one spot
For that internship
For that high paying job
For that make it or break it moment
Smiles felt forced and faked
All a façade
Shake some hands
Send them your linked in
We can be friends if you give me something in return
Bloody water all around me
I question if this is the real deal?
Hate having to go up and talk to people who only want you for 1 thing
I know a opportunity when I see one
Or that’s what I tell my internal subconscious
It seems we all want to be like each other
I’m trying to be a “one-another”
Like brother, like sister
We all want to win
No matter the cost of the internal sin
This conversation seems forced and fake
Lacking eye contact
Improper handshakes
I’m glad this isn’t a date
I would have left after the first 15 minutes
I keep wondering why i have to pitch myself to you
Put on a smile and sweet talk you blue
Don’t you like what they're saying?
Apply here and will give you this or give you that
But do you actually really want me or what I have to offer
Their sincerity was lacking
My brain felt like emotionally cracking
Forced conversations and fake attitudes
Pretty smiles but no one looks happy
More like demeanors of anxiety and stress
And environment that’s pan handling to the status quo
Trying to find their right opportunity
Everyone following their version of the right “life path”
Can’t believe a bunch of 20 year olds are fighting for the last laugh
Getting a stable job
Which everyone wants to get
In my head I just want to dip
Don’t want to have to be fake to get some type of gain
Don’t want to smile and wave and act all cheery when I actually feel none of thoes emotions
The room feels empty but there are so many people, under so much commotion
To many eyes and side ways glances if u ask me
And there all just staring at each other with dull eyes and blank faces
But this is how you get an opportunity
“cause that’s what they say”
Listening to the big man
what a waste of time
Just want genuine connections but this isn’t the right place
There is blood in the water
With sharp teeth bitting at your kneecaps
If I bleed to much I’ll end up left for dead
I know I shouldn’t be here but it’s a opportunity that I need
But there’s so much fakeness and false vanity amongst the scene
Why is everyone staring at everyone else
I want to scream, to get out of here
Cry a couple of forced tears
But instead I force myself to smile and listen well
Faking a conversation is what I know best
Been doing it all my life
For survival or for fun
I don’t know the difference these days
But there’s to many consumers and not enough producers
In business terms it means I need to “reassess my vision”
But all I can do is not quit
I can’t let my dream go
So ill play with the other sharks
Fighting for that one intership, that one job
Hopeing I don’t get bit to much in the process
As I look around the room I think there’s to much blood around me
And I’m frightened
But I play nice
Yearning for that one opportunity that would change my life
But at what cost?
There’s always something to loose and gain
Worried about the unforeseen consequences of this murky water
Worried about why I have to put on a mask to be liked and valued
Why am I the cash cow up for slaughter in this scenario
Why am I the one who has to push a point of view
I’d rather just be genuine and true
To bad we don’t live in a world where that’s valued
Especially here
At the career expo
Where we all have to fake laugh and fake smile to get that one sliver of opportunity
To change our lives
But there’s still blood in the water
And that’s why I dislike this place the most
When I look around the room
All I see is red

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