

Leaky Boat
I know I'm kind of like a boat
with too many holes that leak
So I understand that you don't want to pay to help me
I know you'd rather just let me sink

Cause that's the easier way
But its not the right one

So I wish you could take the moment
To understand that it's not fun
To keep giving up
On me

Saying all my ideas
Are stupid dreams

So I go out
Find the islands you'll accept
Find the treasure
So you can take it all

And in the end
I'll crash on the same shore
I started on

With the same people
Scouring at my broken self
When they were the ones who teared me apart
Knowingly setting me out to sea
When I was not ready
Now I don't think I'll ever be


Something drowned
Inside of me, while under the waves
I don't know what
But I feel that watery hole
Bulges of memories along my skin
With every salty tear
That seeps through the cracks
I'm more of the storm
That hurt me
The truth a shining light

I know that the sharks bit me
To shreds
So shouldn't I stop trying
If I'm already dead?

© Exer