

An outsider
Feeling unwanted
shamed,pinished for the person I possess. Like an animal
In a deep dark cave.With a multitude of

emotions rushing through my mind
tears trickling unable to control myself
Students' words hit me like a storm
Feeling suspended in the middle

No sense of escapism only emotions
Trapped,secluded far from civilization as it felt. my friend washed me to the shore. powerful words punished me.

feeling lost in the midst of the crowd.
Not able to speak out
my mind as empty as a desert island.
Having no voice, emotionally

Tortured. a ribbon of brightness in the distance startled me. Comforting, inspirational words left my thinking for a minute:is this the

way we let emotions poison us? This is reality. After a downfall we can get back up.
don't be lost in a world of absolute genius.
Of diversity. Brains hide unique ideas.

Don't punish yourself over being lost in a maze of confusion. That's life. Difficulty, distress. The crowd has a voice, but so do you.

Being on a shore is a short relieve. we can't stay trapped forever. That feeling of loneliness cycles round. That feeling of comfort drowned in a salty environment.

© Haul Guma