

Out of all the treasures of heaven and earth

There is no treasure that I have found

To be more worthless than Knowledge

I have searched the earth far and wide

For all the knowledge that can be found

And I have found it worthless

It fills my soul with yearning

But delivers no satisfaction

It is like unto a stream of water

It is sweet unto those who lack it

But bitter to the stomachs of those who have drunken much

I have much knowledge

But it has not made me a penny richer

I have much knowledge

But I am still ignorant

Wisdom is the child of knowledge

I have found it worthless

The inhabitants of the world scorn me

And all of heaven laughs at me

It has not kept me from the troubles of life

It has not kept me from stumbling in the uncertainty of life

I have wisdom

But it has not made me a second happier

I have wisdom

But still I am a fool

Insight is the child of wisdom

It is the most worthless of all

It has shown me the end of all things

And has ripped my peace from me

It cannot predict my future

For that is mine alone to decide

It has never been my companion

It has never allowed me to sleep any sounder

It cannot predict to full accuracy the destiny of all things

For all is uncertain

Therefore it is the most worthless of all

It is for this reason

That I curse the day I was given Knowledge

It is for this reason

That I curse the day I was given Wisdom

It is for this reason

That I curse the day I was given Insight
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