

Be your own self

The unique beauty in anyone is their nature and originality. Originality in thinking, in talking, in doing, in behaving, in perceiving and introspecting, and whatever they do. Numerous are flowers, plants, and trees but all are different but all are beautiful. It is the diversity in the nature of people that adds beauty and charm to life around. If one is going to live and act by what others say or direct then it is glorified slavery. Originality is indeed a great boon that life bestowed on us. Nature is so unique. How it keeps the atmosphere changing with days and nights and seasons. The weather tomorrow will not be the same as today. The climate in one country is different from the other country. The languages, the customs, the culture, and the traditions are different all over the world. The incredible feature is the faces of people. Except for some twins, every person born in this world has different faces. Even with regard to the twins, their thinking, attitude, and perspectives, even their characters are quite different because the mind is unique.
No face looks the same in a population of over 700 crores. At the most, we may find a few similar-looking persons. Many of us sing nicely but only a few shine as singers. Many of us act well but only a handful turns up as celebrity actors. Many people have a flair for writing but only a fraction of them go on to become authors. All these are due to the foreplay of one’s birth, brought up, talents, and more importantly determination and perseverance in achieving their goals.
So, let us not be merely copycats like what we see in reality shows and standup comedy shows. If people resort to these for a livelihood that is different. Whatever may be, let's enjoy being unique and make use of our uniqueness for making other's life better and happy. If this can be achieved you become better and happier too.

Being inspired by others is a good trait
But one's originality is the best self-treat

© Joyram