

Trials of living: forgiveness
What is forgiveness?
Is it possible to wash the stains of hurt from ones heart,
to patch up the bleeding cuts that scar the heart,
to stitch them up as though knives weren't used to pry it open.

To cleanse ones mind,
to lay all piercing rage and aggression to rest.
For no longer the length I ponder on it,
there is only one thought I can conceive,
at the least for this mortal vessel
"forgiveness is compassion and forgetting is love."

Yet, that seems an impossibility,
for there is no medicine to damage inflicted upon the heart,
none but love,
but for many even that pales in the face of great misfortune.
Oftenly, I would like to believe it so,
but maybe in death, it is attainable,

So, I've come to the conclusion,
"forgiveness is love."
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