

The Way Of Dream...
She stood on a deserted road...
She stood aimlessly on the road that stretched in many directions...
Every way is calling her…..,
They attract her by opening up new avenues of goals….

She was filled with fear beyond attraction……..
She's looking for the way that she wants....
She could not see the destination from the roads around her...
She is looking for her destination...

Many ways, many goals...
Where is her destination in this?
Out there she saw a narrow path...,
A road that is not wide and not beautiful...
She walked towards it….

She entered that way…..
She walked forward very difficulty...
The sweat of sacrifice dripped down through her…..
An intense thirst haunted her.
She is very tired...

Once again she remembered the vast avenues she saw before her……,
She wished she had entered one of those…..
This way made her very tired….,
She wanted to go back...

Again she walked with hope...
She walked a long way.
At the end of her sacrificial journey she reached that golden city….
She stood in front of that dream gate with tearing eyes....

The particles of sweat that fell from her smiled and joined the soil...
She painted the new history with sacrifice.....
She has achieved her destination……,
She looked at the emptiness of the universe and sighed...
She smiled in complete accomplishment…...

She chose a different path out of the many paths that lay out for her…..
A narrow path that only she can travel..
What she found on her journey through it was her dreams.....

© enigma🦋
#poem #lyrics #Love&love