

Journey of Transcendence
Dreams climb, a mountain in my mind,
Edges reached, past dreams left behind.
Life's twists, a quest, lessons earned,
Ventured paths where love and fame are often yearned.
Money can't buy joy, a Lambo's tears,
Lost identity, blurred hopes, and fears.
No turning back, the past fades away,
Striving, evolving, a self in disarray.

Miles walked in worn-out shoes,
A feeling chosen, seen it all, paid my dues.
Surviving, thirsting for more,
Life's highs and lows, a tapestry to explore.

Thinking too much, lost in the night,
Conflicting voices, a life to give or fight.
Gotta leave, can't stay in this strife,
Praying, climbing, the essence of life.

Truth revealed, now or never,
Living tonight, uncertain endeavor.
Dreams persist, lessons to attend,
In shadows and light, a life to transcend.
© MysticGarvicii