

The famous question:why are u attached on this screen ?
It's above ur feelings what does it mean
To me to everyone who had lived and seen
How this world can abandon you then
Treat you as a sinner,murder, useless one consumes oxygen

This is our way
Our way
We hide our tears behind the screens
This is our way
Our way
Faking our smiles on the keyboard
This is our way
Our way
Drawing happiness in other heart with bleeding hands

But it's not the end
Never the end
Because anyway
All this will blossom someday
I still have too much to say
However using words is not my way

He was pray you to stay
To stay
Don't blame him if the shining screen took his mind away

If all you do is to yell
To yell
Being loved need taking care ,not weird ritual

See how sweet words
Sweet words
Make your day , away of doubts

But still beware
Some dangerous wolves are hiding there

Don't forget your real life
Real soul
Like screen shut down without coming back
Your eyes shut down, never open again

Make it worth ,make of your life a shining story
Like your screen was shining , die without regret without worry
Take a moment, think of everything
You was through this days , last years or even this morning
The screen is not the source of happy life
It's just a tool to keep memories of the life you made
Or try to remake
Since you are alive breathing not dead
you have a chance to change
Whatever you want, go ahead
it's for you this message

© Recker_The_Ghost