

The Blackout
There once was a time when cataclysms occurred in the dark
Folks couldn't see which lines were blurred— then, one day, there was a spark
The blindsiding ceased, at least for a curt measure of moments
Which lasted until folks began following in old footprints

Instead of eyeing the azure, their view was glued to the ground
The spark's light began to wane— it emitted a droning sound
None of them seemed to see the spark— they basked in its light in vain
They didn't seem to hear its drone— the spark's light couldn't self-maintain...

From the sparks' fading luminance, there came a big 'sudden' bang
When they, at long last, recovered from ears that endlessly rang
They all inquired as to why it suddenly became dark
They all had their ideas, but nobody brought up the spark

They marked the loss of sight as a disaster— naturally
They didn't sit in the stark darkness long— they didn't dillydally
They angled their heads up approximately ninety degrees
They blindly took to their knees— they prayed they'd be able to see

The spark felt a bit bad for the boors— though they had made their bed
But all the begging the spark was hearing arced into its head
Figuring their views had righted— the sparks light re-ignited
But that didn't last long— the spark again began feeling slighted

It didn't take long at all for the spark to completely lose hope
All the spark saw was catastrophe through its kaleidoscope
It came to a head one day when the spark heard one of them cite
"Sightseeing would be alright if the world wasn't so gosh darned bright!"

Folks tend to hang themselves when given rope of sufficient lengths
The darkness was blaring— there was a boom— we have our strengths...
Who turned the blackout back on the folks harked, feeling real dithered
But the spark was long gone— and the folks, soon, they also withered

#sparkinthesky #unnoticed #rhyme #spark #darkness
© danie_af