

Enjoy the simple luxury of life's soothing or complicated roads,
Rarely comes crafted, stylish or handy...
Often they are rutted and windy…
And adventurous!

Do not allow the bumps to define you.
When you stall, who do you call for help?
You have only to look to your own resources. You will be able to fill in the gaps at the moment.

Enjoy the lessons you learned when you took that left turn. Even the ones that were lost in the shuffle.
Avoid the deepest holes and learn to navigate through and around them.

Stop and smell the flowers along the way.
Travel lightly and be diverse. Be mindful of your surroundings but, keep your focus in front of you… Drive!

Be driven in all of your doings, and don’t be a spectator. Stay in the lane and forge ahead. Your destiny will be revealed in the outcome. Plant many trees to mark your path and filter the air you breathe

Now, take a deep breath and enjoy your journey and follow these instructions to the letter. When you get to the end you will look back on your adventures and
all that you know will be peace