

half humm
Little structure washing away,

Grow Careful eching intermit below frig actio,

quickly coming stagers closer; does back & dose forward

push crashing absolved w/resent gangle! Jingle! Jangle!

of His Big red dark hand!

I'd willfully re-press!

Half hummed Seas wave's vanished solipsism bitter way's,

Tortures Thrashed ark trow coffer puppies's descendants, dowers innocent motions descents tragic Epic strafing collective soulful divine act... ruffling bufflehead buckled nickel hutch, sorrowful

lows, youthful re-Bark! barking! Re- Bark! Wows!

Little monster burning eyes; eyes glowing very bright!

Thoughtless Bibulous masses prout crout snatches preference memories! (Talking satchel) virent vibrato softer deterrent sight, of forming liquid dua faly, soft baking sand, sofa soda-mellow continuance! Conga wet rats! fight! Fight! Life!

Cream-low, Re-Humm!

Humm, half-humm, Humm, cream-low, Re-Humm

Low-youth-Ful re- bark! Bark! I'd willfully re-press!

With the mouth! half-humm!!!! Half-humm!!!!

I'd willfulness re-praised! Is his Big red dark hand!

Fight! Life! Naked jungle Kat's! Fight!
© Antonio.Mora.Lopez