

What is Real
Love is real.
Love is stronger than steel.
Love has no limits, and cannot be overthrown.
Love goes on forever, as if carved out of stone.
Love is not just some childhood game.
Love burns hotter than the hottest flame.
Love cannot be drowned, surviving through an eternal flood.
Love survives the coldest climates, and warms the life-giving blood.
Love cannot be concealed.
Love is more than just the way we feel.
Love is unconditional, surrendering to no condition.
Love is inspirational, designed only to inspire.
Love is more than just what is physical.
Love is not just typical, more than what is special.
Love is taller than the tallest tree, more what the eye can see.
Love is deeper than the deepest sea, further than any man has ever travelled.
Love cannot be defeated.
Love remains unconquered.
Love extends beyond the vast blue sky.
Love lives on, refusing to die.
Love is true, forever new, refusing to get old.
Love greet us daily, like the morning dew.
Love continues to express itself time after time in many mysterious ways.
Love continues to reveal itself beyond where it can be found, and in
those we thought it hard to find. ❤❤❤❤
© Everton