

"Whispers in the night"
In the depths of the night, a girl weeps,
Her tears flowing silently, as she softly sleeps.
Memories of joy, now a bittersweet embrace,
Haunting her dreams, as they refuse to erase.

She longs for the days when laughter filled her heart,
When innocence and wonder were her cherished art.
But time has passed, and life has taken its toll,
Leaving her longing for the girl she used to know.

In the darkness, she yearns for a chance to rewind,
To relive the moments that have slipped from her mind.
Her good memories, like ghosts, dance in her head,
Whispering tales of a past she wishes to tread.

Oh, how she yearns to return to the old her,
To reclaim the innocence that time did blur.
But the past is a river that cannot be reversed,
And the present is where her strength must be nursed.

She must find solace in the lessons she's learned,
Embrace the growth that within her has churned.
For though the tears may fall and the pain may seep,
She'll rise from the ashes, stronger and deep.

In her tears, she'll find the courage to heal,
To let go of the past and allow her heart to feel.
For within her lies a strength that won't be confined,
A resilient spirit that will always shine.

So, let the tears flow and the memories fade,
For a new chapter awaits, where she'll serenade.
With each tear shed, she'll discover her worth,
And create a future filled with joy and rebirth.

Remember, dear girl, you're not defined by your past,
But by the strength and resilience that will forever last.
Embrace the journey, for it's yours to embrace,
And find solace in knowing that love will replace.