

Natural nature ( SESTINA ) { The hardest type of poetry in the world}
Note for those who don't know.

SESTINA is the hardest type of poetry in the world.

Rules:- The end words in each stanzas are repeated but in a different order.

1st stanza:- 1,2,3,4,5,6.
2nd stanza:- 6,1,5,2,4,3.
3rd stanza:- 3,6,4,1,2,5.
4th stanza:- 5,3,2,6,1,4.
5th stanza:- 4,5,1,3,6,2.
6th stanza:- 2,4,6,5,3,1.

Final stanza:- It has only 3 lines. It uses all the six words again, two words per line.


Natural nature ( SESTINA)

At dawn, the forest comes alive with birds,¹
While gentle breezes soothes the vibrant trees.²
The river flows with calm and steady force,³
Their whispers heard across the quote fields.⁴
The mountains rise ancient and old,⁵
As morning sunlight warms the waking earth.⁶

The sound of rustling echoes through earth,⁶
Melody of chirping birds¹
A happiness which gives to the old,⁵
And children hug the lonely tress.²
The dawn view spreads across the green fields⁴
The cheery blossom leaves fly with wind's force³

The wind has endless force,³
Travelling through the whole earth,⁶
Giving energy to the green fields,⁴
Where cricket dances with chirping birds.¹
The breeze cools the hot trees,²
A soothing murmer echoes in the early of old.⁵

Mountains give shadows to new and old,⁵
Water flows through valley with great force,³
Passes near the old trees,²
Their happiness blossoms the earth.⁶
Morning end with the end of chirping of birds,¹
And flies above the green fields.⁴

The shadow covers the grassy fields,⁴
And peacefully, sleeps the old.⁵
Night comes as flies the bird,¹
The river still flows with the force,³
And provides water on the earth.⁶
We hear the sound of rustling through trees.²

The trees sleep² river flows through dry fields⁴
The earth⁶ sleeps peacefully as the old⁵,
Wind's gentle force³ cools the tired birds¹.

- Ephemeral


It was a great experience to write the hardest type of poetry of all the time.
I tried my best to write in a good way.
I hope you all liked it.

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Thanks for reading 🙏🏻.



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