

Umbrella from pain
Yesterday I witnessed the stinging rain
Soaked through
the fragile skin of strangers.
I wonder the amount of pain
that dried on their skin
Like the tears falling
from their life's nimbus clouds
Smothered their cheeks that once wore a smile

And I remember we don't always have
An umbrella from pain
To evade the rolling droplets
Of purging chaos sheltered inside
our flesh and our crumpled mind.
And as I followed them
journey the muddy streets of flooded night
I could only wish we'll
find the solitude and call it home,
And heal the ruining wounds
from our everyday battles.

I hope you're doing okay my
Fellow pilgrims
We'd still wake up at the sound
of morning alarms
and stain the azincourt with bloods
through our restless footsteps
travailing the storm of our catastrophic existence.

I hope we can be okay.
© livenrose