

Letting Go Of My Sadness!


In the depths of my heart, a sadness resides,
Yet I cling to it, for it once brought me joy.

The memories of laughter, now tainted with tears,
I hold onto them tightly, afraid to let go.

The pain of letting go, too much to bear,
For in that sorrow, I found a fleeting happiness.

I long for the days when my heart was light,
But now it's weighed down by the burden of loss.

I know I should move on, find a new source of joy,
But the thought of forgetting, fills me with dread.

So I hold onto the past, like a lifeline,
Hoping that someday, the pain will subside.

But deep down I know, it's time to release,
To let go of the sadness, and embrace the unknown.

For only then can I truly find peace,
And let go of what's making me sad, to find happiness once more.

© Shafiya