

ꅐꁝꏂꋊ ꓄ꁝꏂ ꇙꀘ꒐ꏂꇙ ꉔꁝꋬꋊꍌꏂ꒯
When the skies changed
And the sun shone bright,
When the clouds gathered
And the rain poured down,
When the wind blew
And everything shook,
When silence fell
And everything was still,
When the world turned
And everything changed,
When I awoke
To a new day
When the skies changed.

Time is precious,
tick, tock,
I am but a wilted flower
each passing day burns the body
forever in time
Now, I am only your feelings.

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#writcoCommunity #FarhatAfzal #writcopoem


© Farhat Afzal