

The Sound Of The Raindrops
The sound of the raindrops, soft and light,
Falls gently on the roof at night.
A melody played by the nature's hand,
As drops dance on the windowpanes.

It starts as a whisper, a pitter-patter,
A soothing symphony, a rhythmic chatter.
A lullaby to the restless mind,
A gentle hum to leave worries behind.

Each drop, a note in a song of its own,
Creating a chorus, a natural tone.
A blissful tune that eases the soul,
A peaceful sound that makes one whole.

As the rain falls, the world slows down,
The air grows fresh, the earth turns brown.
A reminder that life renews in time,
As the raindrops cleanse the grime.

So let the rain pour, let the drops sing,
Let the sound of the raindrops bring
A sense of calm, a feeling of peace,
And let worries and fears finally cease.

© Ayush Sengar